
Follow this guide to choose and set up a barcode scanner compatible with Odoo’s Inventory and Barcode apps.

An image of an example barcode scanner.

An image of an example barcode scanner.

Scanner types


  • USB scanners are connected to a computer, and are suitable for businesses that scan products at a fixed location, like at the checkout in a grocery store. Ensure the chosen USB scanner is compatible with the keyboard layout of the computer.

  • 蓝牙扫描仪 可与智能手机或平板电脑配对,使其成为一种理想的经济实惠和便携式条形码扫描仪选项。在这种情况下,Odoo 安装在智能手机上,允许仓库操作员通过他们的移动设备直接处理操作并检查库存。

  • **移动计算机扫描仪**是带有内置条形码扫描仪的移动设备。首先,请确保设备可以正常运行Odoo移动应用程序。使用Android操作系统和Google Chrome浏览器,或Windows操作系统和Microsoft Edge的最新型号应该可以正常工作。然而,由于可用型号和配置的多样性,测试是至关重要的。




When using a USB barcode scanner, match its keyboard layout with the operating system’s layout for proper interpretation of characters. Generally, the scanning mode should be set to accept a USB keyboard (HID), with the language set based on the keyboard that is in use.

要为 Zebra 扫描仪配置键盘布局,请在扫描仪用户手册中扫描所需语言的键盘楔形条码。




Odoo has a default 100-millisecond delay between scans to prevent accidental double scanning. To synchronize with the barcode scanner, set it to include a carriage return (character like the “Enter” key on a keyboard) after each scan. Odoo interprets the carriage return as the end of the barcode input; so Odoo accepts the scan, and waits for the next one.

通常,扫描仪默认包含回车符。确保通过扫描用户手册中的特定条形码来设置它,例如 CR suffix ONApply Enter for suffix.

Zebra 扫描仪


在Zebra扫描仪的主屏幕上开始,并选择 DataWedge 应用程序(该应用程序的图标是浅蓝色的条形码)。在 DataWedge Profiles 页面上,选择配置文件选项以 访问Zebra扫描仪的设置。

向下滚动到 Keyboard Output 选项,并确保 Enable/disable keystroke output 选项为 Enabled.


现在,返回到 Profile 选项页面,并选择 Key event options。在这里,请确保 Send Characters as Events 选项已被选中。