Process receipts and deliveries with barcodes

The Barcode app can be used to process receipts, deliveries, and other types of operations in real time using a barcode scanner or the Odoo mobile app.



要使用 Barcode 应用程序处理转移,必须通过 Inventory 应用程序的设置启用该功能。

To do so, go to the Inventory app ‣ Configuration ‣ Settings. Then, scroll down to the Barcode section, and click the checkbox next to the Barcode Scanner feature.

Once the checkbox is ticked, click Save at the top of the page to save changes.

Once the page has refreshed, new options will be displayed under the Barcode Scanner feature: Barcode Nomenclature (with a corresponding drop-down menu), where either Default Nomenclature or Default GS1 Nomenclature can be selected.

有一个 Configure Product Barcodes 内部链接箭头,以及一组 Print 按钮,用于打印条形码命令和一个条形码演示表。

Enabled Barcode feature in Inventory app settings.

对于设置和配置 Barcode 应用程序的更多信息,请参阅 Set up your barcode scannerActivate the Barcodes in Odoo 文档 页面。

Scan barcodes for receipts


To create a PO, navigate to the Purchase app ‣ Create to create a new request for quotation (RFQ).

From the blank RFQ form, click the drop-down menu next to the Vendor field to add a vendor. Then, on the Product line under the Products tab, click Add a product, and select the desired product(s) to add to the quotation.

Once ready, click Save at the top of the form, then click Confirm Order to confirm the RFQ to a PO.

Completed purchase order for barcode product.

要处理和扫描仓库收据的条形码,请导航到 Barcode app

Once inside the Barcode app, a Barcode Scanning screen displaying different options is presented. To process receipts, click on the Operations button at the bottom of the screen. This navigates to an Operations overview page.

Barcode app start screen with scanner.

From this page, locate the Receipts card, and click the # To Process button to view all outstanding receipts. Then, select the desired receipt operation to process. This navigates to the barcode transfer screen.


If only using a barcode scanner or the Odoo mobile app, the barcodes for each transfer of a corresponding operation type can be scanned to be processed easily. Once scanned, the products that are part of an existing transfer can be scanned, and new products can be added to the transfer, as well. Once all products have been scanned, validate the transfer to proceed with the stock moves.

From this screen, an overview of all receipts to process within that transfer (WH/IN/000XX) is shown. At the bottom of the screen, there are options to Add Product or Validate, depending on if products need to be added to the operation, or if the whole operation should be validated at once.

Overview of receipts in transfer to scan.

要逐个处理和扫描每个产品,请选择特定的产品行。+# 按钮(在这种情况下,+10)可以被点击以指示收到该产品,或者 pencil 图标可以被点击以打开一个新屏幕来编辑该产品行。

From this screen, the product that’s being received is listed. Under the product name, the Quantity line can be edited. Either change the 0 in the line to the desired quantity, or click the /# Units button (in this case, /10 Units) to automatically fill the quantity ordered from the PO.



Barcode 应用中用于单独转移的产品行编辑器。

Additionally, the +1 and -1 buttons can be clicked to add or subtract quantity of the product, and the number keys can be used to add quantity, as well.

Below the number keys is the location line, which reads WH/Stock by default, unless another location is listed on the product itself. Click this line to reveal a drop-down menu of additional locations to choose from.

Once ready, click Confirm to confirm the changes made to the product line.

然后,从所有需要处理的收据的概览页面转移到该转移 (WH/IN/000XX),点击产品行上的 +# 按钮以接收产品,并点击 验证。现在已处理该收据,可以关闭 条形码应用程序

Overview of receipts in transfer to validate.

Scan barcodes for delivery orders


To create a SO, navigate to the Sales app ‣ Create to create a new quotation.

From the blank quotation form, click the drop-down menu next to the Customer field to add a customer. Then, on the Product line under the Order Lines tab, click Add a product, and select the desired product(s) to add to the quotation.

Once ready, click Save at the top of the form, and click Confirm Order to confirm the quotation to a SO.


要处理和扫描仓库交货的条形码,请导航到:menuselection:Barcode app

Once inside the Barcode app, a Barcode Scanning screen displaying different options is presented. To process deliveries, click on the Operations button at the bottom of the screen. This navigates to an Operations overview page.

From this page, locate the Delivery Orders card, and click the # To Process button to view all outstanding deliveries. Then, select the desired delivery order to process. This navigates to the barcode transfer screen.

Operations overview page in Barcode app dashboard.

From this screen, an overview of all deliveries to process within that transfer (WH/OUT/000XX) is shown. At the bottom of the screen, there are options to Add Product or Validate, depending on if products need to be added to the operation, or if the whole operation should be validated at once.

要逐个处理和扫描每个产品,请选择特定的产品行。可以单击 +1 按钮来指示该产品的交付,或者可以单击 pencil icon 来打开一个新屏幕以编辑该产品行。

From this screen, the product that’s being delivered is listed. Under the product name, the Quantity line can be edited. Either change the 0 in the line to the desired quantity, or click the /# Units button (in this case, /10 Units) to automatically fill the quantity ordered from the SO.

Additionally, the +1 and -1 buttons can be clicked to add or subtract quantity of the product, and the number keys can be used to add quantity, as well.

Below the number keys is the location line, which reads WH/Stock by default, unless another location is listed on the product itself.



对于拥有多个不同存储位置、上架规则和移除策略的仓库,可以为各种操作类型添加额外步骤,同时使用 Barcode 应用程序。

Once ready, click Confirm to confirm the changes made to the product line.

然后,从所有需要处理的收据概览页面转移到该转移 (WH/OUT/000XX),点击产品行上的 +# 按钮以接收产品,并点击 Validate。现在交付已经处理完毕,Barcode 应用程序可以关闭。
